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Who Pays Credit Card Processing Fees?

Accepting credit card payments has become a common practice among businesses. However, many business owners are often unaware of the costs associated with processing credit card transactions. One of the main fees that businesses must pay when accepting credit card payments is the credit card processing fee.

What is a Credit Card Processing Fee?

A credit card processing fee is the cost associated with processing a credit card payment. This fee is charged by the payment processor or acquiring bank, and is typically a percentage of the transaction amount, plus a fixed fee per transaction. The fee can vary depending on several factors, including the type of credit card, the merchant account provider, and the business type.

Types of Credit Card Processing Fees

There are several types of credit card processing fees that businesses should be aware of:

  • Interchange fees: These are fees that are charged by the card issuer and vary based on the type of credit card used.
  • Assessment fees: These are fees that are charged by the card brand (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and are a percentage of the transaction amount.
  • Processor fees: These are fees that are charged by the payment processor or acquiring bank and can include a percentage of the transaction amount, a fixed fee per transaction, or a monthly fee.

Who Pays Credit Card Processing Fees?

The party responsible for paying the credit card processing fee depends on the type of transaction. Generally, there are two types of transactions:

  • Retail transactions: In a retail transaction, the merchant is responsible for paying the credit card processing fee.
  • Card not present transactions: In a card not present transaction, the business that accepts the credit card payment is responsible for paying the credit card processing fee. This is because the risk of fraud is higher in these types of transactions.

Why Businesses Should Consider Credit Card Processing Fees

Businesses should be aware of credit card processing fees and take them into account when setting prices for their products or services. While it is possible to pass the cost of the credit card processing fee onto the customer, this can be a risky strategy. Many customers may be put off by the additional fee and choose to take their business elsewhere. Additionally, passing on the cost of the credit card processing fee to customers may violate the terms and conditions of the merchant agreement.

Choosing the Right Payment Processor

Choosing the right payment processor is crucial for businesses that want to keep their credit card processing fees to a minimum. When choosing a payment processor, businesses should consider the following factors:

  • Interchange rates: The lower the interchange rates, the lower the credit card processing fees will be.
  • Processor fees: Businesses should compare processor fees to find the most affordable option.
  • Integration options: Payment processors that offer easy integration with the business’s website or POS system can save time and reduce errors.
  • Customer service: Businesses should choose a payment processor with good customer service to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly.


Credit card processing fees are a necessary cost for businesses that want to accept credit card payments. These fees can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of card being used, the processing company, and the volume of transactions. It’s important for merchants to understand the fees they are being charged and to negotiate with their payment processing companies to try to get the best rates possible. offers a variety of payment processing solutions to businesses of all sizes. Their team can help businesses understand the fees associated with credit card processing and find a payment processing solution that works for their unique needs. By working with, businesses can feel confident that they are getting a fair rate and reliable service.

If you’re a business owner who wants to accept credit card payments, it’s important to do your research and understand the fees associated with processing payments. By working with a trusted payment processing company like, you can feel confident that you are getting a fair deal and providing your customers with a convenient payment option. Don’t let credit card processing fees hold your business back – explore your options and find a solution that works for you.

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